Traditional Yoga is a multi-millenary practice that has been gaining more and more followers around the world due to its numerous benefits. Originating in India over 12,000 years ago, Yoga combines 14 technical disciplines aimed at balancing the body, energy, emotion, concrete, abstract, cognitive and supra-cognitive mind.
To this end, Yoga resorts to a deep knowledge of the human being, in all its dimensions, which is condensed into 14 main technical disciplines, the most famous of which are perhaps:
Ásana: psychobiophysical positions;
Pránáyáma: breathing techniques of energetic and neurovegetative influence;
Yoganidrá: physical, emotional and mental relaxation techniques;
Samyama - Dhárana, Dhyána, Samádhi: control of the frequency of mental waves (in which meditation fits).
All this integral and exponential development aims at two objectives:
Keep human beings in their natural state: healthy and happy
Attaining Samadhi: supreme human-cosmic intellective consciousness.
The Technical Subjects

Yoga Sámkya is considered Total Yoga, where the 14 disciplines mentioned above are put into practice together in each class. In this way, it is possible to affirm that Yoga is much more than a simple practice of physical exercise.
Benefits of Yoga
Muscle strengthening and stretching
Improves body position
Helps increase lung capacity, lower blood pressure and promote blood circulation
Promotes the reduction of stress and anxiety
Develops concentration, mental clarity and self-awareness
Improves sleep quality
Among many other benefits